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Mariia Matrosova

These works have common thematic links that explore how women are represented in society. Many young women my age faced stereotypical views of beauty and often feel obligated to conform to a standard. By using myself as the model for many works and exposing my body insecurities, I aim to connect with my audience on an empathetic level to recognize that we all struggle with conforming to society’s standards of perfect beauty.

The stylistic links between the selected work include the investigation of figure and body. I explore self-portraiture through the use of the figure however my face is often obscured. This allows the audience to project their faces onto the figures and generate feelings of empathy. The natural, realistic tones and hues of skin and body link the works together to create a cohesive exhibition. The color palette also reflects softness and feminine qualities that support my overall message.

Shapes and forms of the figure have been explored in painting and photography. The use of words and text is another clear stylistic link between the selected works. The text has been explored through collage, digital works, stencils, and paint. Descriptive words are used to show the impact they have in forming our opinion of ourselves. The text has been used as a repeated motif to highlight the message that words repeated often enough, both from others and in our minds become like permanent tattoos on the body. Words will mark us and shape us. Adjectives and images have been juxtaposed to convey the message to the viewer that it is our differences that make us beautiful and unique. Text is used to reinforce and clarify my message and meaning for the audience. It is also used as a pattern and motif creating repetition, rhythm, and unity of the selected works.

Many of the works are arranged in sequences or series to show movement and are presented on a large scale which confronts the viewer and also allows the audience to interact with the work more physically and enveloping the audience. The effect was to gather viewers’ attention towards the imperfections and allow them to read text that was displayed on the body.

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